Debt as we know it
How did you first meet debt? How old were you? Debt is ultimately a relation, one that carries many forms and many
feelings. This zine explores some of these relations in the way that it’s been studied and also in the way that its been felt by people.
Le Collectif Plus One est un groupe spontané unissant nos créations imprimées. Notre groupe est uni par l’amitié et le simple désir de partager ce que l’on crée.
The Plus One Collective is a spontaneous group whose main cement is friendship.
Zinesters (membres - members)
cath (iel ⁄ they ⁄ them) - Tiohtià:ke ⁄ Montréal
My goal as a zinester is to create opportunities for people to share without confessing. I wish for vulnerability without the threat of sanction or approval. I wish to make stories and people meet. I want to allow people to express their feelings with the depth they feel resembles their experience. I want people to remember they are allowed to create, I want people to have the opportunity to surprise themselves. I want people to remember they are interesting. Myself included.
J’aime écrire dans mon journal sur l’amitié, la compétition, la queerness et l’éducation. Je m’intéresse à tout ce qui nous empêche de connecter aux autres et à nous-même. Peut-être que laisser les histoires des gens se côtoyer pourra changer quelque chose.
A Necessary Evil: Grades and how they ruin friendships… probably
Un mal nécessaire: L’école, les notes et leurs consquences en amitié.
Zine bilingue (français, anglais) explorant les conséquences des notes et de l’évaluation sur les élèves, en contexte
scolaire et au-delà. Assemblage d’une revue de littérature universitaire et des témoignages de 13 personnes volontaires
recrutées sur les réseux sociaux.
Queer soccer
Soccer queer
En collaboration avec le collectif Juke
In collaboration with Juke collective
Zine bilingue (français, anglais) constitué de deux livrets créés avec des membres du collectif de soccer queer Juke à
Tiohtià:ke ⁄ Montréal: l’un résultant d’un atelier d’écriture organisé dans un café, l’autre de soumissions spontanées
de joueur·euses sur le thème de la queerness et du soccer.
Couverture à venir
Jenn (she/her) - Tiohtià:ke ⁄ Montréal
My goal as a zinester is to help us envision the worlds we are working to build as we hospice the death of this one.

Revolutionary herbs
In times of need, perennial herbs have long served as first-aid kit, medicine cabinet, food
pantry, abortionist, therapist, and teacher. This zine celebrates five examples in which Indigenous peoples, slaves,
prisoners and peasants in the global South were empowered by the herbs around them to reclaim sovereignty over some
small but significant portion of both their bodies and the land.
Irmak (she/her) - Tiohtià:ke ⁄ Montréal
What a joy to be able to reflect and create, even better when with other people. This zineseter sees the “zine” as a place to ask some questions, put some things around us into pencil and color in hopes that we connect and build something better.

Mila (she/her) - Tiohtià:ke ⁄ Montréal
I am an emerging zinester. To me, zines are playful experiments that can expand worldviews and open dialogue. And they can just be fun to look at! I hope my creations inspire curiosity and the impulse to experiment with life.
Salud! A celebration of food under the stars
Food brings people together, as does nature. When combined, wonderful things happen. Salud! is a celebration of
community, experimentation, and the joy of cooking outdoors. Inspired by friends who have come together to cook and
dream under the stars, this zine is a collection of easy and delicious recipes as inspiration for your next outdoor